One bad move...
I'm in good mood right now, so one more quick drawing. I want show, that Rene isn't so submissive all time xD
Other arts with them
Rene, Violent (c) Me

От - Original post 9Oct2013
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One bad move...
I'm in good mood right now, so one more quick drawing. I want show, that Rene isn't so submissive all time xD
Other arts with them
Rene, Violent (c) Me
Judal no4
Old pic, drawn few months (maybe even half year) ago, but I didn't finish any new thing yet, so better anything than nothing... maybe:/
Tydzień mnie nie było, wchodze na DA a tu znowu coś pozmieniali:/ wkurza mnie to; na początku było dobrze, ale dziady muszą zawsze wszystko popsuć xC
It's Judal from Magi © Ohtaka Shinobu
Archeo RLZ!
Hahaha, just some pixel art and animation test (I know it's so poor, but it's my first!c: ) Little kawaii putty knife (I not sure it's that name for it in english...) xDD Maybe if I will be in good mood I'll made other archeo tools xD
Feel free to use it, just tell me^^
Cold-blooded bastard
Violent, how could you?!D: You're really the worst!! Poor Rene T_T
If someone don't know, this is normal way, how Rene talking to people
Other with them:
Dr Violent and Rene belongs to me^^
SnK- after hours
Situation looks like this: Levi's body hurt because of 3D Maneuver Gear (this…, if someone don't know), so Erwin decided to makes him better... and it works
I have huge obsessed obout them now (especially about Rivaille), so you can expect more SnK fanart form me^^
Rivaille, Ervin form SnK (c) Hajime Isayama
bg texture form…
Cheer up and never give up!:D
...yes, he is going to use frying pan for operation
at last, effect will be the same xDD
Dr Violent belongs to me^^
I show you my love!
Oooch, Reneeeee! you killed the mood xD
brutally killed in front of his children xDD
Enyway, Violent hadn't choice and cooked him it
To jest zabawniejsze, kiedy się zna piosenkę o Letniego, Chamskiego Podrywu^^
Some other with them
Rene and dr Violent belongs to me c:
I planned draw some of my ocs, which you didn't know yet, but not these three!D:
Unfortunatelly this one, which I wanted didn't come out good:/ so for relaxed I sketched these 3 kids.
They're sons of Gisele (she's Violent's 3 years older stepsister- form the same father; she's also Rene cousin). They born in Arashi family (mafia hause). They look different, even twins, because one of them is albino like their great grandfather (from mother side). Their mother friends make fun of her, that even twins are from different fathers (what is even medically possible). Father (or fathers) are unknowed (Violent know, but he promise don't say).
I havent't names for them. Older boy is 2-3 years old, twins are 1 years old.
Ah, they're appear in my story Mafia soliders; next time I must draw more important characters xD
Starsze młode wygląda jak tata Violenta, młodsze wyglądają trochę jak Rene i Violent kiedy byli w tym wieku, z tym że Rene był ładniejszy, a Violent bardzo spasiony (wylaszczać się zaczął dopiero koło 8-9 roku życia, bo zaczął chodzić się lać, a wcześniej to tylko w książkach medycznych siedział xD). Bliźniaki to gapy, ich brat to zło wcielony i kataklizm; małe szanse, żeby Rene i Violent doczekali się dzieci, więc to on bedzie przyszłym bossem mafii... co niestety wskazuje, że nie przetrwa ona zmiany pokoleniowej... ale tym się już w swojej historii nie zajmuję xD
They're blood related with these two
SnK: Until A Lifeless Day
Eeeerviiiiiin! nooo!! Just plzzz, don't let kill yourself
I was shocked and very sad after last chapter, so this drawing happend.
Ah, często mam problem, żeby wymyślić jakiś dobry tytuł, wpadłam więc na genialny pomysł, że po co się męczyć, po prostu będę brać pierwszy lepszy, w miarę pasujący/spoko brzmiący tytuł z playlisty c: Drugim faworytem w tym wypadku była ta piosenka… . Podoba mi się jak brzmi to słowo, więc pewnie je jeszcze wykorzystam
My other SnK fanart:
Rivaille, Ervin(c)SnK
Adopts no. 5 and 7 just 100pts one!!
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